Sunday, May 7, 2017

The human face: The Nose

Noses can be problematic.

The nose here looks like it was flattened by a mallet. You don't want a nose like this. So what do I suggest? Grab the end of your nose. You should feel a ball. When you begin drawing a nose my best advice is to start with a ball.

Now what makes drawing a nose so difficult is that are no lines on the face that define the face. What makes us see the nose is value. So how we see a nose on the face is entirely dependent on light. Once we find the cartilage ball we can determine how light is hitting the rest of the face. 

Below are some great nose drawing notes.

Once you get a good understanding through some practice you can start moving the nose around on the face.
Here are some advanced visual nose construction notes. This tutorial focuses on the geometry of the nose. Notice instead of finding the ball first, these notes focus on the planes of the nose.

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